Monday, January 25, 2010

Acadia and Mia

I babysat Mia this past weekend and Acadia and her had a great time catching up. I can't believe the puppies will be 12 weeks old tomorrow- they are growing up so fast! The baby teeth are already falling out.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dusty in Tahoe

Dusty (formerly Teton) is turning into such a handsome boy! Thanks to Jennie and Steve for taking and allowing me to share the photos of him in Tahoe recently.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Acadia and Wrangell

Photos of Acadia and Wrangell over the last week (who is hanging out with Acadia for the time being until he goes to his home):


Mia (formerly Augusta) has officially won over the Quan Family and is JD's new play buddy. Livia sent me lots of great photos of Mia over the last week:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Puppies Going Home Photos

Here are some of the photos of the puppies with their new families. If you are an new owner of one of the puppies, please send me photos as your puppy grows up so I can add them to this blog. Thanks!
Mia (formely known as Augusta) with Livia and Stephanie. Mia lives with her Uncle JD.
Teton with Steve and Jennifer
Gila with the Vollger family

My mom with Acadia
Bandelier with the Carpenter Family

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lassen is Free

Lassen is happy beyond words to go play frisbee at the park today. Check out these photos;

Wrangell is the last man standing, and he thinks it's great not to share chews! He gets to spend an extra week here before traveling to his new home. In the meantime, he is enjoying playdates with Acadia, who is living with my mom and family.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 59- Singing the Blues

The group (minus harper & bandelier, who have gone to their homes already) gave us one last hurrah by singing the blues last night. They know they are going home this weekend! LOL